This is the cocktail bar beside the Fisherman's Wharf in Honolulu. I was painting it today in the rain and a young surfer guy drove up and stopped on his way to the beach. He asked what I was painting and I told him. He said" wow, that is an historical building from the 60's". I had to smile when I told him to be a little gentle with the grandmas. The reference to HISTORICAL and 60's in the same sentence was a bit much for me to handle. He laughed and apologized and drove off in his beat up old mercedes with his curly blonde hair blowing in the wind.
Yep this old building had it's hayday. It is well remembered. A new generation comes along to call it an antique. OUCH! I AM THAT OLD BUILDING!
I did hear later that day from some bikers that came by in the rain that this building has been sold and will be a pizza joint.
I sure am glad I got pictures of it before the transformation takes place. It is only a hole in the wall but I am sure it was a place of fun over looking Kewalo Basin Marina.
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